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Isabelle has a special talen to whistle in opera style, listen to her on You Tube, Spotify, or Google Music...push YOU TUBE here below!

Isabelle possiede un talento speciale per fischiare l'opera. Non perdetevela su You Tube! Cliccate qui sotto:

To Movie with Love, is her last Music work, decicated to the most famous soundtracks of all times! Don't loose it!

'Tribute' is a special Tribute to Maestro Ennio Morricone and many other great composers for Movies.

Whistling/ Fischio Melodico

E se Domani -Mina

Isabelle Adriani cover

00:00 / 03:46

Nessun Dorma

00:00 / 01:07

The Godfather

00:00 / 00:38


00:00 / 01:55
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